How long is each lesson?

Lessons are typically one hour long, but your instructor can also accommodate lessons of different lengths.

Why are private lessons so expensive?

Similar to a career or profession, our instructors have thousands of hours invested towards practicing and perfecting their Jiu Jitsu. Because Jits takes two people to practice, you’re not only paying for your instructor’s expertise, but you’re also renting their highly specialized and tuned equipment - their body.

How will private lessons improve my Jiu Jitsu?

Regular participation in classes and having lots of varied training partners is essential to getting good at Jits. However, because of their size and pace, classes often miss the important details and context you need to be effective. Private lessons help you focus on the <u>exact</u> details you need to perfect your Jiu Jitsu.

Why buy private lessons when I can just watch videos?

Videos are great for learning the details and context of a technique, but ultimately videos can never replace 1:1 hands-on instruction because videos can’t transmit how a technique <em>feels</em>. For instance, a video can’t tell you when a grip is too loose to be useful, where or how to tighten it up, or recognize and help you troubleshoot it in real time during sparring. Only a hands-on instructor with a <em>lot</em> of experience can do that.

What will I learn?

In general, whatever you want. Each student is on their own journey which means everyone’s path is a bit different. Our instructors can of course make recommendations on what they believe will help your Jiu Jitsu the most, but ultimately you’re in control of the curriculum.

How do I get the most out of private lessons?

Private lessons are best used to learn or troubleshoot a specific technique, explore new moves or positions that are unfamiliar, or find and correct lingering mistakes and holes that prevent you from progressing your game. These are all activities that significantly improve your "Jiu Jitsu IQ". After working with your instructor, you should be taking these learnings back to class and practicing on other students your level. Private lessons should be a supplement to your regular classes and training - not a replacement for them.

What do I need to wear and bring?

Wear: Clean tight fitting athletic clothes you are comfortable sweating in w/ *no zippers or pockets* Bring: Water, and a pair of clean clothes for after your lesson.

Where are lessons held?

Each instructor has a different location they generally teach out of.

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